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- Early years inclusion award
Brighter Beginnings
The Early Years Inclusion Award is an outstanding achievement that settings can receive once they have demonstrated they are an inclusive setting to all children including those with additional needs. This award validates that settings are meeting the requirements for the SEND Code of Practice.
Early Years settings must demonstrate that they have met the standards framework of the Inclusion Award to gain this status.
Settings are supported by the Early Years Team, Portage Team, Autism Advisor and Educational Psychology service to work towards meeting these standards.
This award will:
- Enrich workforce development within Early Years providers
- Have a positive impact on children, diminishing the difference in children’s attainment
- Improve choices for parents of children with SEND
- Promote and increase inclusion by providers of the EYFS
- Increase the sufficiency of places for children with SEND
Settings that have achieved the Level 1 and 2 Award, will then provide support to other early years settings, who are working towards achieving the Brighter Beginnings Inclusion Award.
We currently have 10 Reading childcare settings which have achieved Level 1 and one setting which has achieved Levels 2 and 3. These settings include day nurseries, maintained nursery schools, pre-schools and a childminder.
Information on early help for professionals
To achieve a Level 1 Inclusion Award, settings must be able to show:
- they have reviewed their SEN provision
- have CPD opportunities for their staff
- they know how to start supporting children with SEND & their parent/carers.
Settings can invite the Early Years Inclusion Award Panel in for a visit to demonstrate the following:
- There will be a display/resources stand in the setting that signposts staff, parents and visitors to information regarding the award as well as information in regard to finding help and information in regard to SEND
- A case study where they have started to support a child with SEND
- New staff receive a SEND induction programme when starting at the setting
- All staff are accessing SEND CPD opportunities available
- The inclusion lead has reviewed their SEN provision using the AET quick reference guide and identified next steps in an action plan to embed inclusive provision within their setting
- The Level 1 award must be refreshed after 3 years. Settings working towards the Level 2 award will be reassessed for Level 1 during the process of the Level 2 assessment
- Upon completion of Level 1 all of the settings will be able to display a plaque within the setting, the award logo will be published on their Family Information Service page.
Having achieved Level 1 of the award, settings must now demonstrate their ability to meet the needs of young children with SEND within the framework of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This will be achieved by inviting panel members in for a SEND learning walk to showcase the following:
- The inclusion lead has maintained Level 1 criteria and staff CPD has continued
- The inclusion lead has overseen individual children’s assessment and provision (SEN plans) and supported their parents. They will be able to demonstrate they have used recommended assessment tools to identify children’s needs and implemented an SEN plan for individual children
- The setting has worked through some of their identified action plan
- Some staff have completed or are working towards a recognised SEND qualification within the setting and delivering evidence based SEND interventions for children.
The Level 2 award must be refreshed after 3 years. Settings which have subsequently been working towards the Level 3 award will be reassessed for Level 2 during the process of working towards Level 3.
Upon completion of Level 2, all of settings will be able to display a plaque within the setting and the award logo will be published on their service page on the Family Information Service website.
Settings working towards a Level 3 Inclusion Award will have maintained Level 1 and 2 criteria. The setting will be supporting other settings to improve their iniversal SEND provision. This may be demonstrated through a visit to evidence the following:
- Review of their SEN action plan and showcasing any changes made to their provision as a result of this
- How the setting is supporting other settings e.g. sharing good practice at SENCO network/newsletters or inviting settings to view their setting
- Staff receive regular opportunities for SEND discussion/CPD with the inclusion lead
- How the setting has worked with parent/carers through their SEND journey to support their child
- Making inclusion funding and EHCP applications in a timely manner with high quality applications
- How SEND is embedded within their curriculum and how this is adapted to meet groups of children’s needs that have been identified.
Settings can contact brighter.beginnings@brighterfuturesforchildren.org to request an information pack about the criteria for Level 1 and a next steps guide.
When your setting is ready, you can request a visit for the level you are working towards. The Inclusion Award panel members will then arrange a date to visit for you to showcase your practice.
The Brighter Futures for Children Early Years team is responsible for overseeing the award process from application to presentation of the award gained.
In conjunction with the setting a training plan is agreed and delivered using the trainers from within the Early Years team and as well as external trainers who are experts in the required field.
Brighter Beginnings is the Reading programme to support preschool children who have SEND, particular regard is given to social communication difficulties and autistic spectrum disorder, their families and practitioners who work with them.
Brighter Beginnings is underpinned by these principles:
- An understanding of SEND is essential for sound educational practice.
- Professionals need to work with parents as partners to maximise benefits for children with SEND.
- Children can benefit from inclusive education.
- Parents can trust that the setting is inclusive and have confidence they will provide support to children as individuals.
There are three levels to the award:
- All settings displaying this award have met the criteria that BFfC has created to make sure the setting is working within the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice and is supporting its staff with CPD to improve their knowledge of SEND
- Settings are able to meet the individual needs of children with SEND, they have the knowledge and confidence to ensure the correct support is provided for each child.
- Settings go over and above supporting families through their journey, demonstrating their ability to follow the graduated approach and apply for additional resources where appropriate. Settings will be supporting each other to develop their inclusive practice and work towards achieving the award.
Please add a supporting document for all levels:
- 2024 Inclusion Award summary
- AET quick reference guide
- Early Years AET standards
Under each level supporting documents please delete all and add the updated ones please per each folder
Assessments and tools must all be up to date.
Please contact the Brighter Futures for Children Early Years team:
Telephone: 0118 937 4730
- Inclusion Award Level 1 Guidance
- Inclusion Award Level 1 Assessment Criteria 2024
- Next steps guide
- Early Years Standards Framework
- Panel Process for BBEY Inclusion Award Panel
- Portfolio Submission Form
- Evidence Portfolio list for Panel
- Overall Action Plan
- CPD reflection form
- Inclusion quiz for setting staff
- Inclusion Award Level Two Assessment Criteria
- Inclusion Award Level Two Guidance 2024
- Level Two Inclusion Award next steps guide
- Brighter Beginnings Level 2 visit paperwork template to be completed by panel member during SEND Visit
- Early Years Standards Framework
- Setting Visit & Panel Guidance
- Level 2 Inclusion Award Questionnaire
- Level 2 parental consent