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Early years useful docs & web links
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Useful web links
Birth to 5 Matters – guidance for the sector, by the sector
Birth to 5 Matters – parent information
DfE Help for early years providers
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework
Early Years Inspection Handbook for Ofsted-registered provision
Health protection advice for settings
Ofsted EIF inspections and the EYFS guidance
Progress check at age two (GOV)
Reading’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer
SEND Code of Practice January 2015.pdf
‘What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ a guide for parents
Safeguarding links
Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership
Child Abuse Concerns: guide for practitioners (GOV)
Child abuse linked to belief or faith
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Local Authority Designated Officer (LAD0) – Allegations against people in a position of trust – BFfC
Online safety considerations(GOV)
Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales
Protecting Children from County Lines Exploitation (NSPCC)
Safeguarding children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)