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Infant hub
Welcome to Reading’s Infant Hub focusing on the services and advice for expectant parents, unborns, newborns and up to 2-year-olds.
This Infant Hub has been created as a quick access to support you and your baby.
Much of the information here is available in more detail on our Family Information Service website but is condensed here as a quick reference guide.
The first 1001 days from pregnancy to the age of two set the foundations for an individuals cognitive, emotional and physical development but they are also a time when babies are at their most vulnerable.
What are we doing in Reading to improve services for you
We are looking at our universal offer of support and are developing a universal plus offer of services that may not need to be accessed by everyone, but includes specialist and targeted areas that meet the needs of our families.
This is so that families get the right help at the right time and the right place.
We know it is important we provide an integrated service for parents and one that our health colleagues – (midwifery/health visitors/ perinatal mental health) are able to also offer support to you.
Expanded childcare support
Eligible working parents of children from nine months old can now apply to access up to 15 hours of early education (over 38 weeks of the year) of government-funded childcare from September 2024.
For full information about eligibility and applying for funding, click the button below to head over to the Reading Family Information Service.
Got a question?
Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers. These include details of organisations that can help you.
To register a birth in Reading, you need to contact Reading Borough Council. The link to the right page on their website, with all the information you need, is here.
We work in partnership with the midwifery service to ensure you can access your appointments in the heart of the community. You will have access to your community midwives within the Children’s Centre hubs.
Here are some other sources of information and support you may find helpful:
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust’s antenatal services
- Community midwifery team: 0118 322 8059
- Royal Berkshire Maternity Facebook: @RBNHSFT
- Maternity Services – links to arriving at maternity unit, induction of labour day, delivery suite, birthing rooms and Marsh postnatal ward
- Link to RBH birthing places, including home delivery. Facebook: RBFTMaternity
- Triage Line Telephone Number 0118 322 7304
- RBH Home Birth Team email: homebirthteam@nhs.net
- Birth Centre – Virtual Tour / Website: Rushey Midwife Led Ward
In later pregnancy you will be invited to an antenatal check at your local Children’s Centre where you will have the opportunity to meet your health visiting team, and find out more about the Children’s Centre offer
- BHFT Health Visiting Website
- Facebook: @berkshirehealthcare
- Reading Health Visiting via Chat Health – 07312 263 283
- Perinatal mental health support
If you’re struggling with your mental health or wellbeing, please speak to your midwife, GP or health visitor. There are also useful website links to support you, listed here.
For infant mental health, see the below graphic for useful information.
- Home Start 0118 956 0050
- NCT Facebook @nationalchildbirthtrust
- Cowshed Tel 0118 934 5120 Facebook @cowshedcharity Email: info@thecowshed.org
- First Days Charity 0118 921 9338 Facebook @FirstDaysCharity Email: info@firstdays.net
Family Information Service pages
Helpful advice
Here are some top tips for common issues which face new parents in the first year
We know many parents may struggle with feeding baby and it can be a challenge whether you choose breast or bottle, so here are a few links to useful support websites.
- Breast Feeding Network National Breast Feeding Help line 0300 100 0212
- Association of Breast feeding Mothers Facebook @AssocBfMothers
- NHS Start4life Breast Feeding
- Breastfeeding and SIDS – The Lullaby Trust
- fact-sheet-breastfeeding-2.pdf (lullabytrust.org.uk)
- NHS Start4Life Bottle Feeding
- NHS Start4life weaning
Crying is normal! A baby’s cry can be upsetting and frustrating and you may be worried there is something wrong with your baby, but their cry is designed to get your attention. You can contact your local Reading children’s centre and health visitor for support and advice. The below websites may also be of help to you.
- Purple Crying.
- Cry-sis Help line 08451 228 669 Open 7 days a week 9am – 10pm Email: info@cry-sis.org.uk
- NSPCC – Handle with Care (leaflet)
The Lullaby Trust is a fantastic resource to find reassurance, help and guidance on baby’s sleep. You can find information on all the below topics on Lullaby Trust’s website.
- Safe sleep for baby
- Mattress bedding & cots
- Safe Sleep Easy Read Card
- The best sleeping position for your baby, including videos
- back-to-sleep
- Sharing a room with your baby
- Safe sleep advice for twins
- Room temperature
- Co sleeping
- Sleeping products
- Coping with sleep deprivation
- Smoking and the increased risk of SIDS
- Premature babies
- Factsheet for low weight & premature babies
There’s so much to consider in terms of baby safety, from how to hold a newborn to what products are safe. Again, the Lullaby Trust is a great resource with advice on the below on their website.
- Baby Summer Safety
- A Clear Cot
- Holding Baby
- Product Guide
- Car Seat Safety
- Car seats and SIDS
- Baby Check App
We have loads of information for local and national support for new dads’ on our Family Information Service.
For an at-a-glance list of support information, see relevant search results here.
Dads are always welcome at our Reading children’s centres! And we also run sessions for dads-to-be. See below for more information.
And don’t forget all the information on this page is for you too.
Being a new parent at any age can be difficult and however old or young you are, most parents will have moments when they feel they are struggling. We’ve listed a few websites below that you may find helpful and reassuring.
Your sexual health and contraception is important once you’ve had your baby. Speak to your health visitor or GP for support around sexual health and contraception.
You can also find details about drop in clinics in Reading here.
Are you about to become a dad? We run a Dads-to-be antenatal group to help you support your partner and prepare for bringing your baby home. The next sessions will be held in January 2024. Please note, you will need to attend both sessions to complete the course.
For more details and to book, please contact Sue Blackwood by emailing sue.blackwood@brighterfuturesforchildren.org / 07921 403349 or Alison Hanks alison.hanks@brighterfuturesforchildren.org / 07890 899032.
You might also find it helpful to learn more about what to expect during the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Useful Apps for parents
Community legal support
Parenting courses and activities at Reading Children's Centres

Your local children’s centre offers many parent groups and sessions to help you while you are pregnant and after you have had your child.
You can find our more about up-to-date (free) activities at each of our Reading children’s centres and how to register here, or you can read all about each hub in detail on our Family Information Service website.
If you would like to know more about these and other sessions and groups, get in touch with our Reading children’s centres by clicking the button below. They’ll be happy to answer your queries.
Reading Children’s Centres on Facebook
We have a very active Facebook page where you will find all of the latest news, information and fun activities.
Family Information Service
Our Family Information Service (FIS) website is packed with information about under 5s and how to access services in Reading
What childcare is available?
There are several different types of childcare options (settings) in Reading. Learn more about childminders, day nurseries, creches, pre-schools, holiday clubs and more.