Parenting groups

We offer parents a range of evidence-based parenting programmes which are managed and facilitated by trained practitioners. There are a range of programmes for parents of children from birth to teenagers to support parents in developing their parenting skills further. We recognise that parenting is a learning journey and from time to time all parents may need a bit of extra information and guidance.

By attending a parenting programme you will have the opportunity to learn positive parenting approaches that are proven to be effective and develop your parenting skills in a supportive environment. The programmes run from 5 to 14 weeks (depending on the programme) and are held in groups at community venues across Reading throughout the year – except during school holidays.

For further information on the programmes described below please contact 0118 937 6545.

Parenting programmes offered

An evidenced-based flexible parenting programme for parents with children aged four to 11 years old.

The group is suitable for parents with children displaying potentially challenging behaviour and aims to strengthen parent-child relationships, help parents to promote their child’s development and develop strategies that encourage appropriate behaviour. It promotes children’s development and helps parents to understand the root causes of child behaviour problems.

Next course: Wednesday 30 April to Wednesday 2 July 2025, 9.30-11.30am at Whitley Health Centre, 268 Northumberland Avenue, Reading RG2 7PJ.

To book email: or call 0118 937 4858.

An evidenced-based parenting programme for parents with secondary-aged children. The group is suitable for parents with teenagers displaying and/or at risk of developing behaviour problems. The group aims to support parents to deal with risky behaviours and strengthen parent-teen relationships, help parents to promote their teen’s development and develop strategies that encourage appropriate behaviour.

Next course: Tuesday 29 April to Tuesday 1 July 2025, 9.30-11.30am at the Civic Offices, Bridge St, Reading RG1 2LU.

To book email: or call 0118 937 4858.

Join our six-week, term-time programme for parents and carers. 

This course will give you an understanding of autism. You will learn effective strategies to use at home with your child. Throughout the course we will learn about social interaction, communication, behaviour and the sensory needs of your child.

Next course: Further dates are to be confirmed. 

To book email: or call 0118 937 4858.

The next course is on 1 May, 8 May and 15 May, online via Microsoft Teams. All sessions should be attended.

This is a three week course delivered during term-time to give an overview of the Living with Autism course, as well as discussion around areas where parents commonly need the most support. The programme is outlined below:

  • Week 1: Understanding autism and your child as an individual
  • Week 2: Practical strategies and approaches to support with play, sleep and toilet training
  • Week 3: Enabling environments, including education settings.

To book email: or call 0118 937 4858.

A 14-week course for young parents that helps “mum’s to be” prepare for childbirth and parenthood. We deliver this programme because we are aware of the poorer outcomes that young parents and their children can experience and the barriers they face to accessing appropriate health care.

The course covers various topics associated with becoming a mother for the first time, such as being a young parent, staying healthy in pregnancy, preparation for labour and delivery, caring for a newborn baby and learning about healthy lifestyles for both mother and baby (other examples below). The course is team taught  by the Children Centre Infant Coordinator and the Specialist Midwifery Team (Poppy Team) who is able to offer the Young Mums weekly antenatal check-ups during the session.

This award is for young pregnant learners up to the age of 25 years and is certificated. Three courses are run  in April, September and January.

Accredited units covered during course include:

  • Your pregnancy, the early stages
  • How baby develops
  • Antenatal tests
  • Labour & delivery
  • Birth plan/pain relief
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Caring for a baby up to six months

For more information contact Sue Blackwood on or call 07921 403349.

An evidenced-based programme for parents with toddlers aged one to three years old.

The course will support parents to encourage positive relationships with their children. It will help parents to use positive discipline, how to set limits and boundaries effectively and handle any challenging behaviours. It will help parents to develop skills using praise and encouragement using social and emotional coaching. Parents will gain confidence in handling separations and reunions and the art of praise and encouragement.