We are Care2Listen  our Reading Children in Care Council

Hi there! You may be reading this because you have just been taken into care. We’re also in care which is why we have written this.

Stay calm. The chances are you are in a better place now. It is fine to feel scared but hopefully you will soon realise that it is not a bad place at all.

You can still have a good time. There are lots of people to help you, support you, give you advice and have fun with!

We made film for you to watch and helped write some guides (below) to make you feel a bit better about coming into care and understand things a little more. It’s much less scary if you know what to expect.

It can be hard at first – there was a girl who came into care and hated it but then she realised it was the best for her. She got used to her carer and soon felt much happier. She just needed a bit of time to feel settled.

By being part of our welcoming and fun group, you will meet other young people who may have had similar experiences to you. It’s great for your CV and there are opportunities to get involved in interviewing social care staff, but also playing games, taking part in activities and just having a chat.

Don’t worry if you don’t live in Reading and are being looked after in another town – you can still join in virtually and just dial in to the session.

Our projects and campaigns

We made a film

Foster care is amazing film

We made a film to raise awareness about being in care and to help other young people.

Watch the film

Our first night in care pack

So that all children and young people have everything they need when they’re taken into care, we worked with local companies to make a ‘first night in care pack’, with essential items and fun things included.

We deliver training

We developed a three-hour training workshop, called Care2Listen to help social workers and others that work with us to help them understand what it’s like to be a young person in care. We deliver this to all staff.

We made podcasts

Young people from the Children in Care Council (CiCC) got together to share their experiences in a series of podcasts.

Listen here

Getting what we need

By working with teams from Brighter Futures for Children we make sure that as we go into care we have everything we are supposed to have such a passports, life story books and suitcases or bags.

Helping others feel like they belong

Rooted in Reading tree outside Reading Town Hall

We wanted young people in care from out of the area to feel like the belong in Reading so we planted a tree outside the town hall to represent being rooted in Reading.

Meet some of the Children in Care Council members

Hi, I’m J and I’m a 16-year-old boy. Most of my time I write songs and poems as well as sing them.

Hello, I’m N, a 14-year-old boy. I’m great at drawing and can make music.

Hey, I’m S and I’m 16. I don’t live in Reading anymore but I attend the meetings by linking up on screen.

Become a member of the Care2Listen group

Email Francesca

Got something to say?

Your voice matters!

Contact us

For more information, contact Francesca Hubbard, our Participation Officer. You can email Francesca at francesca.hubbard@brighterfuturesforchildren.org or call 07885 822 491 to find out where and when the groups take place. Alternatively, you can speak to your social worker, care advisor or independent reviewing officer (IRO) who will put you in touch with Francesca.

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