Children’s Single Point of Access team (CSPoA)

The Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPoA) is a multi-agency safeguarding team which operates as the ‘front door service’ for Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC). All contacts received in respect of concerns about a child who resides in Reading (from pre-birth to 18 years old) come in through CSPoA.

The team is part of our Together for Families Service.

This includes requests for early help and prevention, support for children with disabilities, safeguarding and child protection.

CSPoA co-ordinates incoming contacts and ensures that they follow the appropriate pathway according to the child or young person’s needs, applying the agreed thresholds for access to services in line with the BFfC threshold criteria.

CSPoA also makes sure that information is gathered and shared effectively between different agencies and with service users so the most appropriate decisions are made regarding the level of need and the response required.

Having a single point of access allows us to make timely, informed and evidence-based decisions to ensure a child or young person’s safety. The CSPoA has been developed in partnership with services across Reading and Berkshire, including police, health and education – who are all represented within the CSPoA team.

Visit our dedicated pages with details on how members of the public can report concerns about a child and how professionals can report concerns and also complete a referral.