School Attendance


If your child is ill, you need to tell the school as soon as possible:
  • what the illness is
  • whether the child has seen a doctor
  • how long you expect them to be absent
  • If you need school staff to give your children medicine, you need to give them written consent. The Department for Education offers more information on medicine in school.

Term-time holidays

You can only take your children out of school during term for exceptional circumstances – such as family weddings or bereavements. It is up to the school to decide.

For more information about taking your child out of school during term time, read our Leave of absence in term time guidance here.

School absence

Children Missing Education team

If a parent or member of the public is concerned a child is not going to school, or does not have a school place, they can contact the Children Missing Education team for support, advice and guidance by emailing or calling 0118 937 3343.

Attendance Support team

If your child is registered to attend a school (‘on roll’) and you need further support or guidance regarding their school attendance, please contact the Attendance Support team at

Education settings can download the poster on the right to display for signposting.


Children can be excluded from school for a fixed term – anything up to 45 days in a school year – or, if the situation is very serious, permanently.

Guidance and information about exclusions can be found on the Reading Services Guide.

Managed moves guidance

Children may need to move schools in-year for a variety of reasons, e.g. a change of address. Or, a pupil may need to attend another education setting as a temporary intervention measure.

To help parents navigate these events, guidance has been developed collaboratively in consultation with Reading schools between January 2024 and January 2025.

Click the button below to open the PDF. You may download it for offline access if you wish.

Managed moves and off-site directions - local guidance