Reading’s online directory which provides information for families, adults and parent carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) has undergone a major make over.

The Reading Services Guide has a completely new look and feel but still contains all the award-winning information, advice and guidance residents have come to expect.

The guide includes the Reading Family Information Service (FIS) and SEND Local Offer, provided by Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC), and Adult & Carers Support, provided by Reading Borough Council.

  • Reading FIS provides free, impartial information, advice and guidance for families with children aged between 0-18 (up to 25 for young people with SEND).
  • Reading SEND Local Offer helps families find information about local services, support, activities and events for children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND
  • Adult & Carers Support Services helps adults find advice, care and support services, plus a range of social groups and leisure activities.

BFfC and Reading council have consulted with user groups, such as Reading Families’ Forum, on the design of the upgraded website to make it as accessible and user-friendly as possible.

The refreshed website will be easier for users to navigate and find relevant information whether they are on a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

Di Smith, Board Chair of Brighter Futures for Children, said: “There is a phenomenal amount of information on the Reading Services Guide so it is important that it is as easy as possible for families to find what they are looking for.

“Reading’s excellent FIS/SEND Local Offer was named the Best SEND Local Offer in a national awards ceremony in November 2021. The refresh of the online directory will make the overall service even better for Reading’s families.”

Reading’s Family Information Service (FIS) also won the award for Best Community Engagement, at the National Association of Family Information Services (NAFIS), Coram Family & Childcare conference earlier this month.

Cllr John Ennis, Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care, said: “The Reading Services Guide is a vital source of information for residents looking for advice or details of care services and support groups in the area.

“Individuals can find out about the support available to live at home, staying healthy and well, finding work or training and much more. The new-look website will make it even easier for people to find the information they want and access the help they need.”

You can reach the home page of the Reading Services Guide here: Reading Directory

The Family Information Service can additionally be accessed via its own URL: and the Reading SEND Local Offer via its own link: