Report concerns about a child

If you are a member of the public and have concerns about a child or young person in Reading and need to let us know, you are in the right place. The Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPoA) is where to raise a concern about a child (pre-birth to 18 years old) in Reading.

If you are a professional

Use this button to access threshold information or refer or report concerns about a child.

This page gives members of the public details on how to contact us if a child or young person in Reading:

  • may need additional support
  • may be being abused or neglected
  • needs safeguarding of any kind.

There are several ways to get in touch with us, depending on the urgency of the situation and who you are.

If a child is in immediate danger call the police on 999.

If you are a professional, there is a separate route for referrals, plus information and guidance in the report a concern for professionals of this website or click on the yellow button above right.

For members of the public

If you want to report concerns about a child or young person, email us at (please do not change the subject matter in the email that is generated when you click on the email link).

Or you can call us on 0118 937 3641 (Option 1).  

Emergency Duty Service (EDS) is open to the general public for out of hours emergencies only, from 5pm to 9am, Monday to Friday and 5pm Friday to 9am Monday. This includes bank holidays.

EDS out of hours emergency telephone: 01344 351 999

If you are the parent carer or a professional enquiring about a referral or support services for a child or young person with SEND, there is a separate page for you here (you can also access this via the button at the top of this page).

If you believe a person in a position of trust is abusing a child or young person in any way, you can contact our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

Please do not use CSPoA for enquiries about school admissions. The school admissions team can be contacted on 0118 937 3777 (option 1) or you can email

Got a question?

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers. These include details of organisations that can help you.

You may need to speak to a solicitor. You can do that by contacting Coram or the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). You can also call Family Lives for support and guidance.

Also look here on the Government website where you can complete the c100 form yourself (may be a bit cheaper).

Coram: 0300 330 5480 or 5485
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB): Freephone 0800 144 8848
Family Lives:  0808 800 2222,,

First, speak to your child’s school. They can provide support, such as a counselling service.

You can also go to your GP or contact NHS111 (phone: 111) for advice and support. You can get in touch with our Mental Health Support Team (MHST) by calling 0118 937 6548, email or visit this webpage.

The Young People & Mental Health page on the Family Information Service lists further support available.

Go to A&E if a person requires urgent life-threatening emergency medical attention. 

More wellbeing support is listed here.

Ask to speak with the manager. It’s often best to talk to us and try to resolve an issue, which can be on the phone, via a virtual meeting or face-to-face. If you’ve done this and are still not happy, you can make a complaint – see our complaints page.

You can also seek advice from Family Rights Group:, 0808 801 0366.

Communicare or CAB can provide you with advice about your welfare entitlements and they may be able to help with any applications for support. Reading Borough Council’s (RBC) Debt Advice Team may also be able to help or Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit.

Reading Community Welfare Rights –, call 0118 955 1070 or visit

There are many organisations and people that can support you.

Berkshire Family Mediation: 0118 957 1159, email or visit this website.

Reading Relate Relationship Counselling: 0118 987 6161, email or find your local Relate office here.

If you think you may be experiencing domestic abuse, see this safeguarding and domestic abuse page for all the groups that are here to support you.

If you have any urgent concerns, call 0118 937 3641 or if you are in immediate danger, call 999 and press 55 when prompted if you can’t speak.

If you’re a professional with concerns about parents experiencing relationship difficulties, head over to our From Conflict to Connection pages for resources and information about training.

Coram Children’s Legal Centre’s has a Child Law Advice Service that provides free legal advice and information on child and family issues. Visit its website or call 0300 330 5480 or 5485.

Cafcass can also help and provide advice. Visit its website or call 0300 456 4000.

To report anything illegal, visit Or if you suspect you or your children are in immediate danger, call 999.

To seek advice or to stop your children being taken somewhere without your consent, you may need to apply for a prohibited steps order.

See this page on the Citizens Advice Bureau’s website for more information.

Read this information on Thames Valley Police’s website.

If you’re in immediate danger call 999.

Contact orders are court directed. The local authority/BFfC are not in a position to enforce these. Please seek legal advice if there is a breach of a court order.

Coram Children’s Legal Centre can provide free legal advice. See the website or call 0300 330 5480 or 5485.

Please speak to your GP to explore your concerns and options. They will be able to refer your child to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS.) See here for more information or contact our Mental Health Support Team.

The Young People & Mental Health page on our Family Information Service lists further support available.

For urgent and immediate safety concerns, call the police on 999, and press 55 when prompted if you can’t speak.

It is important that you share any child safeguarding concerns with BFfC without delay. You can do this anonymously.

Call 0118 937 3641 or email

Reading’s services directory has many community services listed here.

Our Family Information Service also lists many local services and support on its website.

We are unable to check social care records unless we have consent from the parents or carer or there is a safeguarding concern.

Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership has information and advice on its website. Here are many other organisations listed who you can also speak to for advice and support.

If you think someone is in immediate danger, call 999.

Or for immediate concerns, please call 0118 937 3641 or email without delay.