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From Conflict to Connection Resources
The accordion below contains links to specific websites dedicated to parental conflict. Simply roll your cursor over the title of choice and click to expand.
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and families have a dedicated parents and carers area on their website which features a section on parental conflict. Resources include videos on the impact of parental conflict on children, advice for separated or separating parents and links to other help and support.
The animation below shares the experiences of children and young people who have parents who don’t get along. Hear their insights in their own words.
Cafcass represents children in family court cases. Their comprehensive website includes sections for young people, parents and professionals.
Cafcass – Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
The charity One Plus One provides information, support, advice and guidance on relationships. They have a fantastic website called Click focused on relationship support from experts and the community.
It is full of useful free resources for parents and those working with them. They have sections on parenting together and apart, which include topics such as ‘Raising a Baby after a Breakup’, ‘Becoming a Dad’ and a short online course on called ‘Getting it Right for Children’.
The animation below outlines why reducing parental conflict matters to children, and why it matters to services.
What is Family Mediation?
Family mediation is a process where a trained independent mediator work with parents to work out arrangements concerning children, finance or property following a relationship breakdown.
The mediator is there to help work through disagreements and find solutions that work for both parents and explain how to make the agreement you reach legally binding, should you wish to do so.
When parents/carers make an application for a court order in relation to many types of family law disputes, they must show the court that you considered family mediation.
What is the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme?
The family mediation voucher scheme is a time-limited scheme, designed to support parties who may be able to resolve their family law disputes outside of court. The Government has set up the scheme in response to Covid-19 to support recovery in the family court and to encourage more people to consider mediation as a means of resolving their disputes, where appropriate. To support this, a financial contribution of up to £500 towards the costs of mediation will be provided, if eligible. Only mediators authorised by the Family Mediation Council (FMC) are taking part in the voucher scheme.
Want to know more?
Follow this link to the information on Gov.uk: Family Mediation Voucher Scheme
Follow this link to the Family Mediation Council information on their website: Mediation Voucher Scheme – Family Mediation Council
The hub has a range of information and resources including the evidence around outcomes for children and parental conflict.
Relate offer some helpful advice on handling arguments effectively – Click here.
This is a partnership between 15 Councils across Yorkshire and the Humber Region helping families who may be having relationship difficulties. Aimed at parents/carers the website contains a range of information, advice and guidance.
Click here for their website: Relationship matters
See it Differently host a range of short films that aim to help parents/carers see their conflicts and arguments from their child/children’s perspective. Those working with parenting can sign up for a guide on using the resources.
This briefing paper sets out the research and evidence base around the impact of parental conflict for children.