The Reading Youth Cabinet elections are being held in March 2019 and we are looking for young people to put themselves forward to stand for election.
Reading Youth Cabinet is an elected group of young people from all across Reading who run campaigns and work on a wide range of issues with different people. They are all about ensuring that the voice of young people in Reading is powerful, influential and results in change to better things for young people.
In the past, members of the Youth Cabinet have produced leaflets promoting better mental health for young people, developed magazines raising awareness of equal rights and lobbied schools to improve how they deliver PSHE.
We are looking for young people who are aged between 11 and 18 and who live or go to school in Reading, to nominate themselves to stand for election and represent the voice of young people.
The deadline for nomination is 15 February (that’s Friday!) and elections are held from the 18 -28 March. We will support you every step of the way to make sure your campaign is heard by your peers and to give you the chance to be elected.
Riya Jamthe, current RYC Chair says: ”Just go for it! We need strong and talented individuals such as you to join our team! It also looks good on your personal statement and CV.”