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Your guide to the latest SEND guides and information
Keeping you up to date with SEND information in Reading and where to find it.
Finding the right information you need on SEND can be a minefield. We have streamlined the ‘entry points’ to resources which can help with important decisions and understanding of the many processes involved.
A lot of information is on this website, as well as on the Reading SEND Local Offer website. We work closely together so up-to-date information is in the right place and you can find it easily.
The following resources have been created to support Reading parent carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), plus professionals and children and young people with SEND.
The links will take you to the Brighter Futures for Children website, the Reading SEND Local Offer, Reading Family Information Service (FIS) and Reading Information Advice and Support Service for SEND (IASS) website. We all work together to ensure information is as accurate as it can be.
Keep coming back to this page as more guides, webinars and videos are being added all the time.
Parent carer guides, webinars & videos
SEND Guide for Parents
A quick and easy guide for parent carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Web: SEND Guide for Parent Carers | Reading Services Guide
Reading SEND Local Offer newsletter
News and information about holiday clubs, childcare, short breaks, what’s on, clubs, services, family support and much more. Published three times a year.
Web: Reading SEND Local Offer newsletter
Short Breaks – an easy read guide for parents/carers
An easy to understand version of the Short Breaks statement for parents/carers.
Web: Short Breaks easy read guide for parents/carers
Parents’ Guide to Direct Payments
A guide for parent carers providing step-by-step guidance on how to access a direct payment.
Web: Parents Guide to Direct Payments
What is Reading Information Advice and Support Service for SEND (IASS)?
A video explaining the service offered by Reading IASS.
An introduction to SEND support
A webinar to give parent carers an introduction to various topics relating to SEND.
Web: An introduction to SEND support
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
A webinar to give parent carers an introduction to EHCPs.
Web: Education Health and Care Plans
Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) flowchart for parents
An easy to read step-by-step guide to the EHCP assessment process.
Web: Education Health & Care Plans (EHCP)
Parent Carer Needs Assessments (PCNA)
A flowchart showing the process for getting a PCNA in Reading.
Web: Parent Carer Needs Assessment
Preparing for Adulthood – an information guide for parents and carers
A guide for parent carers of young people transitioning from children’s services to adult services.
0-5 Pathway for Speech Language & Communication Needs (SLCN)
A roadmap to illustrate your child’s journey through speech and language support, from birth to five-years-old.
Web: Pathway for Speech Language & Communication Needs
SEND Local Offer Annual Report 2023/24
A report which looks at what the Reading SEND Local Offer has achieved in the last year and its plans for the future.
Web: SEND Local Offer Annual Report 2023/24
Web: Past SEND Local Offer Annual Reports
Young people’s guides, videos and webinars
Short Breaks easy read guide for young people
An easy read guide about Short Breaks for children and young people.
Web: Short Breaks statement – an easy read version for young people
Preparing for Adulthood easy read guide
An easy read guide for young people explaining their transition from children’s services to adult services.
Web: Preparing for Adulthood easy read guide
Preparing for Adulthood slide show
A slide show version of our easy read guide for young people, with audio.
Web: Preparing for Adulthood slide show
Becoming an adult in Reading
A guide for young people illustrating the process of transitioning from children’s services to adult services.
Web: Becoming an adult in Reading
What is Reading IASS?
A video for children and young people explaining what Reading Information Advice and Support Service for SEND (IASS) does.
SEND support in mainstream schools
A webinar for children and young people giving information about SEND support.
Web: SEND support in mainstream schools
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) for children and young people
A webinar giving children and young people an introduction to EHCPs.
Web: An introduction to Education Health and Care Plans
Resources for Professionals
Brighter Futures for Children website
The BFfC website (this website) now has a section aimed specifically at professionals, including information on working with children and young people with SEND.
Web: Professionals – Brighter Futures for Children
Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) flowchart for professionals
A step-by-step guide to the EHCP assessment process.
Web: Education Health & Care Plans (EHCP)
SEND Local Offer poster
A poster containing contact details of the Reading SEND Local Offer which can be downloaded and printed.
SEND Local Offer postcard
A postcard containing information and contact details of the Reading SEND Local Offer which can be downloaded and printed.