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Educational Psychology - parents/carers

Our Educational Psychology Service offers advice and support to schools and educational settings in Reading. Our educational psychologists (EPs) make sure the needs of children and young people (aged 0-25) are met, especially those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Our support is designed to address the needs of individuals, groups and whole school requirements and is developed around mental health, behaviour, autism, physical and sensory needs, language and communication.
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Educational psychologists (EPs) support children, young people, parents/carers and school staff. This is offered when there are concerns about a child or young person’s learning, development, well-being, social interactions, mental health and/or behaviour. EPs also work more widely to promote the well-being and development of all children and young people.
EPs support nurseries, mainstream schools, colleges and specialist provisions, alongside the local authority.
All schools and educational settings under Reading Borough Council can buy sessions from our Educational Psychology Service. A school that buys these services will have an EP working closely with their Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). The services provided may include:
- Assessing individual children’s needs and offering advice on how to meet those needs
- Training
- Individual or group interventions
- Advising and supporting whole school approaches to teaching and learning, emotional well-being and behaviour support
EPs support the wider work of Brighter Futures for Children by supporting schools and educational settings to achieve both local and national aims and innovations designed to at achieve better outcomes for all children. There is a focus on children with SEND and further needs.
EPs also have a statutory role within Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). This means they have to provide certain services by law.
If the local authority processing an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) for a child or young person, EPs will be asked to contribute.
Requests for EP support are made by Reading schools and settings, via their SENCO.
If your child’s school wants EP support for your child, your written consent will be needed before an EP can work directly with your child. They will aim to identify your child’s strengths and needs. Both you and your child will be invited to contribute to these discussions. This information will then be used to help schools to make positive changes for your child.
If you think your child might need support EP in school, you should talk about this with the school’s SENCo.
Our Educational Psychology Service runs a number of workshops and support sessions for parents and carers in Reading throughout the year.
View and/or download the training programme for parents/carers for all the course details including eligibility and how to book.
Children and young people with low and emerging mental health needs may be able to better get their needs met by the Mental Health Support Team (MHST). Please note this service is not open to all Reading schools. Visit our Mental Health Support Team’s page for information.
Further support for parents and carers can be found on the Reading Family Information Service.