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School complaints – Helpline
Every school has a complaints procedure which states the different stages that need to be completed when making a formal complaint about a school. The schools’ individual complaints procedures should be easily available on their websites.
For advice when considering complaining about a local Reading Borough Council school that your child is attending, contact the School Complaints Parents Helpline on 0118 937 4988.
If your child has an additional need, SEND IASS (formerly Parent Partnership) can help you and you can call them on 0118 937 3421 or visit their website www.readingiass.org.
Please note: The Local Authority (and BFfC as its representative) does not have any role in the investigation of complaints about academy trusts or community colleges. All complaints need to be referred directly to the academy/college. You should request a copy of their complaints policy which details the procedure that they will follow when investigating the complaint. We have pulled together a useful leaflet on next steps if you wish to complain about an academy trust or community college.