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Family and Friends Carers (Connected Carers)
When a child cannot be cared for by their parent/s or another person with parental responsibility and is in the care of the local authority (in Reading, that means us), we have a duty to explore whether the child can be cared for by an immediate or wider family member.
This may include grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles or a family friend. If a potential carer is identified, they can be assessed and approved as Family and Friends Carer/s, also known as Connected Carers.
In exceptional circumstances, Brighter Futures for Children can temporarily approve a family member or friend as a foster carer while the child is living with them and the fostering assessment is completed. Before this can happen, a viability assessment needs to take place.
This page gives you all you need to know about the different types of Family and Friends/Connected Care. Click on the front page images below to open each information leaflet.
We can further support you with our offer of training to help you develop in your role as a carer. Click the button below for information about courses available and how to book.

Any questions?
If you have questions about any of the information contained in this leaflet, or you need further information, please contact your assessing social worker or the team manager of the Brighter Futures for Children Adoption & Permanence Service.
Call 0118 937 4451 or email familyandfriends.referral@brighterfuturesforchildren.org