Adoption in Reading

In Reading, we work in partnership with Adopt Thames Valley to find forever families
Adoption is a lifetime commitment to raise a child who, for whatever reason, can no longer be brought up by their birth parents or within their birth family.
Adoption is an extraordinarily rewarding and life changing experience for families who adopt, as well as for the children and young people who join their families.
People choose to adopt for a variety of reasons. Some because they are unable to have a child biologically, and others who feel they wish to share their family life with a child who may need them.
Adopters become the legal parents of children. When an Adoption Order is granted, adopters assume the right to make decisions about the child and their upbringing. Once adopted, a child no longer has any legal connection to their birth family. The child assumes the surname of the new parents and receives an adoption certificate to replace their birth certificate. They become a permanent and full member of the new family.
The Adoption Order cannot be reversed except in extremely rare circumstances, if the legal process has not been properly followed.
If you’re ready to begin your adoption journey, or you would just like to find out more about adoption in the Reading area, please contact Adopt Thames Valley on 0800 731 0171 or visit the Adopt Thames Valley website.
You can read our You can read our Adoption Agency Statement of Purpose 2024-25 here.