Together for Families Service

Our new Together for Families Service, which went live on Monday, 4 April, 2022, brings together under one service our Children Single Point of Access (CSPoA) team, the Missing and Exploitation team, the Supporting Families team and combines the former Access & Assessment (A&A) and Family Intervention (FIT) teams into four Together for Families teams.

Our Together for Families teams will allow for relational social work to be at the heart of our practice; with a relentless focus in developing trusting relationships with children and young people, to hear what they are telling us and to understand their lived experience so we can support them and their parents/families to achieve the very best outcomes.

The main difference you’ll notice is that the same social worker will be allocated to a child or young person for the duration of the time that their case is open to Children’s Social Care. This remains until we either close the case or the child/young person is transferred to our Children Looked After Service for ongoing support.

This will mean far fewer transitions for children and families and will help further develop our relational-based social work practice, which is one of our key aims.

This service provides support for families which draws on principles of trauma -informed, whole family approaches, in keeping with our Architecture for Professional Practice 

You can contact the Together for Families team by calling 0118 9373770 or if you’d prefer to email, you can reach them at

Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPoA)

Find out more about the team which triages concerns about a child.

Learn More


Our safeguarding teams are made up of social workers who will work with you if difficulties cannot be resolved in a shorter period of time.

Learn More