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- Children’s social care
Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility and we are working together with partner agencies to offer high quality services with an unrelenting focus on positive results for children and families
Our children’s social care teams work with families who need support. This ranges from the point of a referral being made, through to a single assessment and, where necessary, into longer term working relationships for ongoing advice, support, guidance and interventions to keep children safe.
We believe that children should live with their own families and family networks whenever it is safe for them to do so. Our practice is underpinned by the value we place on working collaboratively with families with a systemic, holistic whole-family approach to support them in finding their own solutions and building on their strengths.
Our services
Allegations against people in a position of trust
Children and Young People’s Disability Team (CYPDT)
Our approach
- We work in a trauma informed and restorative way
- We support our social workers to undertake creative methods of assessment and intervention to ensure the voice of the child is at the centre of service development. Vulnerable children and families have a voice and their views will impact on how the service is shaped
- Our staff are supported by an accountable and a professional management team. They are encouraged to work creatively, within the statutory framework
- We offer highly skilled, competent social workers who are equipped with the skills they need to develop their professional practice. We support, grow and develop our staff, and ensure they are involved in the development of services.
You can read more about the Berkshire West Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and our procedures for Reading here.