Brighter Futures for Children is encouraging the people of Reading to learn more about becoming a foster carer throughout this year’s Foster Care Fortnight. 

Foster Care Fortnight runs from Monday 13 – Sunday 26 May and is the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign, coordinated by The Fostering Network charity. 

The annual campaign aims to celebrate the moments that define fostering journeys, build confidence, make children and young people feel safe and create lasting memories, with the theme of this year’s campaign being #FosteringMoments. 

Throughout the two weeks, BFfC, which is the only not for profit fostering agency in Reading, will be playing its part by sharing valuable resources and information on social media, as well as some inspiring words from its foster carers and children, encouraging more Reading residents to give a home to one of its children and young people in care. 

Di Smith, Board Chair of Brighter Futures for Children, said: “We do not currently have enough foster carers in Reading, so campaigns like Foster Care Fortnight are incredibly helpful in getting the word out there. 

“During the two weeks, we encourage people to visit the Rooted in Reading tree outside Reading Town Hall to read messages shared by young people about the importance of staying rooted in Reading; to share our social media messages that provide some useful information on becoming a foster carer; and consider whether it’s something that you could do for one of our children or young people. 

“If you’re curious about becoming a foster carer, now is a good time to come forward and create your very own #FosteringMoments.”

Cllr Liz Terry, Deputy Leader of Reading Borough Council, said: “Our foster carers do an amazing job of looking after vulnerable children and young people in Reading. 

“They really do make such a positive difference to children’s lives and create many happy moments for them to look back on for years to come. 

“Our foster carers are looking out for children every day of the year, but Foster Care Fortnight gives us an opportunity to recognise their dedication and thank them for all that they do. 

“I would urge anyone in Reading who has ever considered being a foster carer to visit the Brighter Futures for Children website to find out more.”

Notes to editor 

Find out more about what it takes to become a foster carer in Reading by visiting BFfC’s dedicated fostering website. 

Foster Care Fortnight 2024 – The Fostering Network